
The series was created out of an intense need to direct strong emotions. Anger, rebellion, frustration, regret and disappointment overwhelmed and provoked to translate them into something positive.

The paintings from the series “Experiment – In a Moment There Will Be Nothing” are very personal, because they were created during an intense search for oneself and peace.

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in a moment there will be nothing 6

oil-resin technique on cotton canvas, 100×100 cm / 39 x 39", 2022, AVAILABLE

in a moment there will be nothing 5

honey watercolor on cotton canvas, 30 x 30 cm / 12 x 12", 2020, AVAILABLE

in a moment there will be nothing 4

honey watercolor on cotton canvas, 30 x 30 cm / 12 x 12", 2020, AVAILABLE

in a moment there will be nothing 3

honey watercolor on cotton canvas, 30 x 30 cm / 12 x 12", 2020, AVAILABLE

in a moment there will be nothing 2

honey watercolor on cotton canvas, 30 x 30 cm / 12 x 12", 2020, AVAILABLE

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