The Shining Lights

The Shining

The series began to be created in 2015 with an acrylic large-format painting entitled The Shining 00. At the beginning of my conscious artistic journey, I needed to let go of the accumulated frustration, disappointment, sadness, regret and longing.
The Shining is still being created, but no longer out of the need for purification, but as a result of observing the world and people.

the Shining lights 19-20

The Shining, which I present separately from the rest of the paintings. They were created in less than 2 years and are the culmination of my learning and adventure at the Academy of Fine Arts.
The paintings differ in color or dynamics, because in addition to the emotional charge, I also included variations on the landscapes immortalized in pinhole photographs, which served me as sketches.

Shining Lights. Encaustics

My Shining has two forms: paintings on canvas canvas and multi-element objects, which consist of an image based on encaustics, a pinhole photographic print and a small box with a light bulb illuminating the negative of the photographic film.
With the help of form, I try to show the process of creating the world that it creates.

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